- Have you watched the “GFI Barcodes 101” video?
- Have you generated a GS1-128 barcode?
- GTIN-14
- Is it 14 digits?
- Date (for perishable items)
- Is the correct Application Identifier used?
- Is it six digits?
- Does the date match the label and the interior units?
- Weight (for variable weighted items)
- Is the correct Application Identifier used?
- Is it six digits?
- Does the weight match the label?
- Is the data in the correct order?
- All fixed length data fields before all variable length data fields
- Name of item on label
- GTIN-14
- Have you printed the label with barcode to test and ensure good print quality?
- Have you uploaded the GTIN-14 data into Mantis?
- Please continue to monitor printed label quality and data to ensure your item(s) remains compliant