How do I know if my vendor record is approved?
- You should have received an email from with your new GFI vendor number.
- When you log in to MANTIS after your vendor record has been approved, your dashboard will change. You will now have access to all MANTIS areas that require vendor input.
View the Approved Vendor Dashboard here.
Signing in to Zendesk
Most of the articles linked in this guide require user sign-on. If you do not already have a Zendesk account, you can create your own by clicking SIGN IN at the top right and then SIGN UP on the pop-up. You can use any email address and password for this account. Keep in mind any communications from Zendesk with you will go to this email account.
GFI Policies
If you have not yet, we recommend reading the Supplier Policies and Guidelines for full details about working with Gourmet Foods International. Some important policies to note include:
Page 7, Section 3 - Terms of Payment. Note the different policy for Initial Orders.
Page 11, Section C - New Item Content: "It is critically important that this data be correct, clear and professional because GFI publishes item data from MANTIS directly to customer integration platforms, promotional materials, global sales data pools, etc... Missing, invalid or deliberately falsified data will be subject to fines and will result in the item's removal from customer product offerings."
Page 14, Section 7 - New Product Launch Plans: "All new product setups in MANTIS should include a new product launch plan. [These] can take many shapes and are intended to shepherd more customers to your product through opening discounts, free fills, intro allowances and BOGOs."
Failure to provide a thoughtful New Item Launch Plan can subject your new item(s) to a risk share fee of $1000 per DC per SKU.
Page 17, Section G - GS1-128 Policy: "each product has a scannable databar formatted according to GS1-128 Symbology..." GS1 Policy Details GS1-128 Flyer
How do I set up my items in MANTIS?
To set up a new item, you will need all product specifications, barcode data, nutrition and dietary information and marketing information. We do not have separate requirements for retail and food service items. We recommend viewing our articles about Item Content Requirements before beginning new items.
Start a new item by clicking on the New Item Request button in the menu on the left side of your dashboard.
We have many resources on Zendesk for the New Item Set Up process.
- How to Set Up a New Item
- Item Set Up FAQs
- How to upload a digital asset
- What is the Status of my New Item?
Purchase Orders
Purchase orders are emailed to the Primary and Purchase Order contact entered for your vendor record in MANTIS. Any MANTIS user for your company can confirm purchase orders in MANTIS. Purchase order details are not stored in MANTIS, so it is important to review and save the purchase order PDF sent to you. Do not confirm a PO in MANTIS until verifying all details are correct.
How do I confirm a purchase order?
Product Delivery
If you will deliver your product to a GFI distribution center, you will need to schedule a delivery appointment through the Retalix system. Please ensure that your product is shipped according to GFI requirements. How do I schedule Delivery to GFI?
If your items will be FOB/backhauled by GFI, the division receiving the items will contact your company to schedule pickup. Please ensure the contact information on the Logistics tab of your vendor record is correct.
Invoicing GFI
Invoices should be emailed to
Click here for more information about invoicing GFI.
Be sure to explore the rest of our Zendesk library to learn about GFI and MANTIS.
Click here for more information about using Zendesk
If you need more assistance, or have other questions for one of our departments, please use the Submit a request link at the top right of the screen to submit a helpdesk ticket.