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As a pending vendor, you will only have access to your vendor record and item records if you choose to start them. The bottom part of the screen is the Editor.
Click on your vendor name to make it visible in the Editor field.
To complete your Vendor Information, use the gray menu on the left to select the tab to complete. The vendor record is visible in the Editor field. Click on the red field that needs updated for the text field or menu to appear. Enter the text or select from the menu. You can use the scroll bar on the far right of the screen to position the editor so that it fills your screen. All red fields are required. Be sure to SAVE frequently at the top left of the Editor.
GFI requires all cases to be labeled with a GS1-128 barcode. When setting up your new vendor record, you will need to acknowledge that you've read our GS1-128 Compliance statement. For more information about GFI's GS1-128 Policy, click HERE.
You will be required to add at least one Vendor Contact, however, this is a good time to add all relevant company contacts. More information about Contact Types can be found here: How do I update my company contacts?
You will be required to add at least one Vendor Address record. For more detailed instructions for adding Vendor Addresses, please see Set up Vendor Addresses
You will be required to upload Quality Control documents to your vendor record in MANTIS. Please see the list of current required documents for new vendors.
When your vendor record is complete (no more fields in red), click on the Populate Vendor Data link under your vendor name at the top of the Editor.