- Why do I have an Error on Brand Name? Brand Name is only required when New is selected from Brand Number field.
- How do I select the Category?
Our taxonomy has been updated to include more detailed categories. Please be sure to continue selections until there are no more > to open. You should always select the lowest level possible in the taxonomy.
For more Category details see our full article: How do I complete Category and Category Attributes? - What is the Trading Partner Item Number?
This is your company's internal product code, article number, SKU, etc for the item. This is referenced on Purchased Orders and can only exist once per vendor account.
- How do I select the Country of Production?
Click the + under the attribute.
Select the country (multiple selections are possible) then click Apply. - What are the Item Storage Temperature choices?
D = Dry (ambient temperature)
C = Cooler (refrigerated)
F = Frozen - What is Total Shelf Life?
The total shelf life of the item as soon as production is complete.
- How do I fix the error on Case Tare or Unit Tare?
Tare fields are calculated and will be fixed when the Gross weight is greater than the Net weight. - How do I determine Net and Gross weights?
[Net unit weight] = [declared net contents]
[Gross unit weight] = [net contents] + [unit packaging]
[Net case weight] = [case pack (# units per case)] x [net contents per unit]
[Gross case weight] = [gross unit] + [case packaging]
- What are the barcode types?
- What is the bioengineered disclosure?
Please visit the USDA site for more information - Why do I have an error on the Nutrition Label?
Nutrition label fields are numbers only. The UOM fields must be answered using the drop-down menu. For more information on nutrition requirements, please see our Nutrition Requirements article. - What is PFAS?
PFAS Disclosure - What is Prop 65 Compliant?
Prop 65 Disclosure