If there are any problems with the item cost lines uploaded, you will see an error message on the Effective Date. The error message suggests submitting a ticket for assistance. You can stop here and request help from our supplier support team. If you would like to troubleshoot on your own, continue reading.
Scroll down to the Line Items section, you can see which items are in error. The red triangle indicates an error on the record.
Click the checkbox next to one item, and then click the edit pencil icon. This will open a separate tab in Mantis.
You can see which attribute is in error by looking for the red text in the left hand menu. Clicking on the red text will take you to the attribute in error.
Validate Total Change error
In the case of this error, the percentages assigned to the Cost Change Reasons do not add up to 100. You can edit the cost change reason and save the record. Once the reasons add up to 100, the error should clear.
Division Cost Required or FOB Price Required
Mantis expects a cost in at least one division if FOB (backhaul) is No. All division cost fields will show in red until at least 1 is completed and the record save. Only 1 division cost is required if FOB = No.
Mantis expects a cost in FOB Price if FOB (backhaul) is Yes.
To fix either error, input the cost into the correct attribute and save the record.
FOB must match agreement
The FOB status on each line record must match your cost change agreement. As a reminder, this cannot be changed with this process. If you need to change your FOB (backhaul) status, please submit a support ticket.
Item does not exist in BPA
Items included in your cost change request must be limited to what was exported from Mantis. We cannot accept new item submissions through this process. We are unable to allow for cost changes to items where set up has not been completed, or items that are not associated with your supplier number.