It is important that any file names for images or files being uploaded to Mantis contain only English letters, numbers, dashes - or underscores _ . No symbols, non-English letters or spaces, including parentheses. These characters prevent your images from loading properly. (This is a good reference for characters to avoid.) You will receive the below error if you attempt to upload a file with these types of characters.
Digital Asset Image files for Items should be named with the GTIN_ImageContext and only be in JPG (jpg) or PNG (png) format. Specification Sheets can be PDF, Excel, or Word documents. Other file types will cause errors.
Example of a good file name: 10820581000001_ItemBack.jpg
Digital Asset files for Vendor Record can be JPG, PNG, PDF, Excel, or Word documents. They should be named one of the following formats:
- VendorName_ImageContext
- VendorName_DocumentType
- VendorNumber_ImageContext
- VendorNumber_DocumentType
Example of good file names: GourmetFoods_CertificateofInsurance.pdf, 10000_AuditReport.pdf